The Bible Study Page

Bob's Brief Bible Notes

Date of Origin: August 1984

Jesus' Death & Resurrection

John, Chapter 19 - Chapter 20:10

1) Sacrificial Lamb. Hebrews 9:22; Revelation 13:8; John 1:29; Passover - Exodus 12:7, 13. At the point where Jesus stood before Pilate, eighteen Jewish laws were broken so Jesus could be put to death.1 "The Slaughtered Lamb. Isaiah 53:7; John 19:1; Isaiah 50:6; 52:14; 53:5; Revelations 5:12.

2) Innocent. John 19:38. Six times, the Gospels record that Pilate declared Jesus "not guilty" of a crime worthy of death. Matthew 27:24; Luke 23:4, 15, 22; John 19:4, 6.

3) Grace. Romans 5:8; Titus 3:5-7; Ephesians 2:8-9. The Just for the unjust. Unmerited favor of God. Everything for nothing for those who deserve the exact opposite. The supreme expression of God's love.

4) Substitute. 1 Peter 2:21-25; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Isaiah 53:6.

5) Example of Discipleship. Matthew 16:24. What was the picture of discipleship shown by Jesus' death?

6) Tetelestai2. Jesus' purpose was to finish God's work. John 4:34. What was this work? Matthew 1:21. The provision of salvation. John 19:30 paid in full, accomplished, completed, absolute, perfect. Romans 6:23; Hebrews 10:10.

7) Given Freely. John 19:30. Jesus "gave up" His Spirit. Luke 23:46. No one took His life from Him, He gave it of His own free will. John 10:17-18.

8) Life. John 14:19; Colossians 1:27; 1 Corinthians 15:55, 57. Victory over death. Victory over the sting of death (See Romans 6:23)(over the "control" of "sin"). Victory over the source of sin - Satan. 1 John 4:4.

1 "The Illegal Trial of Jesus", Earl Wingo, Christian Truth and Victory Publishing.

2"Tetelestai" is a Greek word meaning, "It is finished!", Jesus' words in John 19:30.

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May God speak to your heart! Bob Conar